
New self storage renters at any of our eight great locations receive 2nd and 7th months FREE!

Planning A Move In The New Year? Here’s How To Prepare!

Every year around 14% of the population moves, whether it’s across the country or just across town. That’s a lot of people relocating every year, and every one of them has a lot of stuff to pack, move, and find a place for in their new home. If 2017 is your year to move, Storage ‘R’ Us self-storage in Oklahoma has some tips to help make your move go as smoothly as possible:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to plan and prepare. This isn’t always an option—sometimes things change and you have to relocate in a hurry—but if you have the luxury of planning, it’ll make your move a whole lot easier.
  • Get rid of anything and everything you don’t want to take with you to your new place. Moving is a great time to purge your wardrobe of clothes you no longer wear, to finally throw out all those old keys you’ve been keeping because you don’t remember what they go to, or to thin out your collection of whatever you happen collect. If you have items that you’ll no longer need, you can make some extra money by hosting a garage sale, or donate them to charity.
  • Make sure you’ve got the right size vehicles. You’ll want to move everything in the fewest possible trips, even if you’re just moving down the street. Nobody likes to drive back and forth, and it’s inefficient to keep loading a small car over and over again. (Need a truck? Storage ‘R’ Us is also Oklahoma’s largest PENSKE truck rental representative!)
  • Get your friends and family to help you move, so that there are plenty of hands to carry everything. And of course, don’t forget to buy pizza for everyone who chips in! If you have smaller kids, you can give them special jobs on moving day to keep them occupied and let them lend a hand.
  • Don’t forget to change your address! And while you’re at it, notify all utility companies, and make sure that your water, gas, and electricity are all turned on at the new place before you move in.
  • Moving is plenty of work without having to worry about cleaning up afterward, so maybe think about hiring a cleaning service to handle cleanup at the old place (or the new one, if need be) and give yourself a break after all the packing and carrying.

Whether you’re moving a few blocks or from across the country, self-storage in Oklahoma can be a great resource for your 2017 move! You can stage things in your self-storage unit while you get them ready, allowing you to do the packing in stages, or you can store stuff that is going to be donated or go into a garage sale until it’s ready to go. And of course, once you’re moved into your new home, you can use self-storage in Oklahoma for anything that doesn’t fit in the new house! Plus, at Storage ‘R’ Us we’ve got everything you need to help you pack for the move, from boxes and tape to paper and packing materials.

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2017? Spend more time with family? Put more money into savings? Make it to the gym more often? If you’re like many Americans, your New Year’s resolution may include de-cluttering your home and your life. In these days of “tiny houses” and minimalist living, de-cluttering has become one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions around.

When people first moved from cities to suburbs decades ago, we found ourselves with a lot more space to fill up with a lot more stuff. But as the years went by and our children grew up, went to college, and moved into a home of their own, many of us found ourselves with rooms full of stuff that gets in the way of the plans that we have for our life. Maybe we always wanted to convert that room into a craft room, a home office, a man cave, or an in-home gym (to help us keep that New Year’s resolution about working out more), but there’s just too much stuff in the way!

Many people choose to simplify their lifestyle when they retire, finding that they’ve accumulated more odds and ends over the course of their lives than they need or want. Others find that once their kids have left the nest, they no longer need as much room as they did before. Even younger people are de-cluttering, trying to carve out the space to live the life they want. Whatever your reason, if you’d like to de-clutter your life in 2017, self-storage in Oklahoma just might be the answer.

While the first and most obvious step to de-cluttering is to get rid of anything that you don’t want anymore—say, by donating it to charity or having a yard sale—all of us have plenty of things around the house that we don’t necessarily want to get rid of, but that we also don’t need cluttering up our garages, attics, and spare rooms. Holiday decorations that you only haul out once a year, the good dishes that you only use when family comes over, sports equipment, hunting and fishing gear, camping supplies; there’s really no end to the stuff that we may want to hang onto, but don’t want underfoot all the time.

That’s where self-storage in Oklahoma comes in. Self-storage units are a lot more versatile than you might think. While you may imagine piles of cardboard boxes or old furniture covered in sheets, people have used self-storage in Oklahoma as crafting stations, or storage for excess inventory from their home business. Self-storage units come in a variety of sizes to fit any need, and both interior and exterior units are available. If you’re storing something sensitive to fluctuations in temperature or humidity, you can get climate-controlled self-storage. There are even spaces for that boat or RV that you don’t want sitting in the driveway or back yard! Just think about how much better life at home will be once you’ve got that clutter out of the way. And that will give you an opportunity to go shopping for more stuff!

So if you’re ready to de-clutter your life in 2017, or just want to find a solution for those holiday decorations or that big collection of lawn ornaments that’s getting out of hand, give Storage ‘R’ Us a call and let us help you find the storage solution for your future!

Santa must be a pretty hard-working guy to get presents to all the good little boys and girls on Christmas every year. But what do you think he does with his sleigh during the off-season? After all, during the holiday season he puts a lot of miles on it in just one night, so chances are he wants to park it someplace safe when it’s not in use so that none of the elves take it out for a joyride.

And being a wise old elf himself, Santa Claus would know that Oklahoma self-storage is a great, central location to park his sleigh during the other 364 days of the year. Why wouldn’t he just park it at the North Pole? Well, there are lots of reasons. The cold weather up there probably isn’t great for the sleigh’s vintage Venetian Red finish, and there likely aren’t very many mechanics at the North Pole. (The elves are all busy making toys, after all, and probably don’t have time to take off to do sleigh maintenance.)

There are other benefits to Santa Claus taking advantage of vehicle storage in Lawton to keep his sleigh safe and sound until he needs it again on Christmas Eve. He may need to get easy access to it at other times during the rest of the year—such as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, for one—and so the year-round, 24/7 access that he’d enjoy with self-storage in Lawton makes his sleigh available whenever he needs it, without a lot of fuss or hassle. He can even give the elves access if they need to borrow it for some reason!

Vehicle storage in Lawton also boasts a wide range of great security features that help keep Santa’s sleigh safe and sound for the big day. After all, he wouldn’t want anybody sneaking a peek into the back before he was ready to go, right? If he were to store the sleigh at Storage ‘R’ Us, he’d have the benefit of our fenced and walled perimeters, not to mention gated access and 24/7 digital video security.

We’re not necessarily saying that Santa parks his sleigh at Storage ‘R’ Us in Lawton during the off season—after all, we can’t divulge the identities of our clients or what they’ve got in storage—but we can say is that you’re welcome to take advantage of our great vehicle storage in Lawton for all your cars, trucks, work vehicles, boats, RVs, and, yeah, even reindeer-driven sleighs. (You’ll have to stable the reindeer someplace else, though. Sorry.)

Vehicle storage in Lawton is safe, convenient, and affordable, and you’ll have access to your vehicle whenever you need it. Even if that’s just for one very quick trip around the world one night a year…

So if you want to keep your boat, truck, RV, car, or other vehicle safely stored when you’re not using it to traverse the globe, just give Storage ‘R’ Us a call and let us find the vehicle storage solution that’s perfect for you this holiday season!

Just about every person in America collects something. We may not be very serious about it, but we all have our hobbies, and we all enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Whether we’re hitting the pawn shop or the yard sale down the street, there’s a unique joy to be had in finding that one piece you’re missing, especially someplace unexpected! Our collections do more than give us something to do, they help to surround us with the things that bring us joy and make us comfortable in our own homes.

Some people collect movies and books that they love, some people collect coins or stamps, rocks or trading cards. Many people collect dolls or antiques. Some collect autographed photos of celebrities, while others focus on comic books, snow globes, souvenir spoons, tin toy robots, and many other things. In fact, for just about anything you can think of in the world, there’s somebody out there who collects it. Back scratchers? Check. Troll dolls? You bet! Banana stickers? Naturally! Traffic cones? Of course! Even airsickness bags have their collecting enthusiasts!

We’ve even heard of a retired fire department chief in Kansas City who collected actual fire trucks. Not toys or models—the real deal! Now that’s a collection you might want to discuss with your spouse before it gets too serious.

Even if whatever you collect is a lot smaller than fire trucks, your collection can still take up a lot of space. And sooner or later you may need to make a little extra room for the other things in the house to keep your collection safe and sound and out of the way, or simply so that your spouse doesn’t end up putting you and your collection into storage instead! That’s where self-storage in Lawton comes in!

Self-storage can help keep your collection organized, secure, and easily accessible while also freeing up room in your home, whether you collect toothbrushes, erasers, miniature chairs, or clocks. Climate-controlled self-storage in Lawton can even help to protect your collection from the elements, though not even our dedication to security can defend against things like tornadoes, so it’s a good idea to make sure that your collection is also insured before you put it into self-storage.

And hey, even if you want to collect something as big as fire trucks, vehicle self-storage in Lawton can help with that, too! So whatever you collect, let us help you find the perfect space for it at Storage ‘R’ Us in Lawton, Oklahoma. You can also visit any of our other locations across the area for self-storage solutions for all your stuff, from the biggest collections of the most unusual items to out-of-season holiday decorations to anything else that you just don’t want lying around your house.

If you’ve never tried self-storage in Moore, then you might be feeling a little overwhelmed contemplating the process. After all, you not only have to rent the unit, but also to figure out how much space you need, and, of course, fill it with stuff! Fortunately, we make Moore self-storage so easy at Storage ‘R’ Us that you’ll have plenty of time and energy leftover to handle everything else! We can even help you figure out what kind of storage unit you need, and offer a host of tips and tricks to help you pack and get the most out of your self-storage in Moore!

How do we make it so easy? Well first off, all of our units can be rented on a month-to-month basis, whether you’re looking for the biggest self-storage unit available or something a lot smaller. That also includes ground-level units, climate-controlled self-storage, and more! Whatever you need from Moore self-storage, we’ve got the solution at Storage ‘R’ Us.

Still not sure what you need? That’s not a problem either! Our helpful staff can work with you to determine your storage needs and help you find the self-storage solution that’s perfect for them! We can also help you figure out just how much Moore self-storage space you’re going to need. Want to get started? You can try our helpful online storage calculator to get an idea of what you’re planning to store and how much space it will take up.

Self-storage in Moore isn’t just about finding a place for grandma’s antique furniture, out-of-season holiday decorations, or excess business inventory. We offer storage solutions for virtually every need, including RV, boat, and other vehicle storage. So whatever you need from self-storage in Moore, we’ve got you covered!

More than just storage solutions, Storage ‘R’ Us is also your one-stop-shop for all your Moore self-storage needs, including all the moving boxes and packing supplies that you might need. Plus, we’re Oklahoma’s largest PENSKE truck rental representative, so we can help make it easy for you to move into your new self-storage in Moore, whether you’re moving from out of town or just down the block. And to sweeten the deal, we offer 10% off the purchase of any packing supplies with the rental of a new storage unit!

Once your stuff is stored in our secure Moore self-storage facility, we also make it easy to get to with convenient gate hours and 24/7 access. Moreover, we ensure that you can sleep at night knowing that your stuff is every bit as secure as we can make it, thanks to digital video monitoring and fenced and walled perimeters. Want a little extra peace of mind? We always recommend getting insurance for your self-storage unit, too. At Storage ‘R’ Us, the safety of your stuff is our top priority, but even we can’t do much to guard against a natural disaster like a tornado.

In the end, whatever you need from self-storage in Moore, we make it convenient, affordable, and reliable at Storage ‘R’ Us! Give us a call or drop by our offices and let us see how we can help you today!

Do you run a small business in Lawton, Oklahoma? If so, you’re not alone! Around 543,000 new businesses start up in the United States every month, and small businesses have accounted for 65% of new jobs since 1995. While a “small business” is defined as one with fewer than 500 employees, many small businesses—more than 20 million of them—involve just one or two people. In fact, more than half of all small businesses in the United States are run out of the home!

What does all that mean when it comes to self-storage in Lawton? Simply this: whatever size and type of business you run, whether it’s out of your home or out of an office, whether you work for yourself or have dozens of employees, sometimes you’re going to need a little extra space.

There are times when any business is going to run into an excess of inventory on hand. Maybe you’re in the run-up period to a big sale or the launch of a new product, or you’re getting ready for the holiday season. Maybe you bought an inventory staple in volume in order to receive a better deal from manufacturers, or maybe you have a large stock of raw materials that you’re planning to turn into a finished product. Whatever the reason, when you’re running a business, space always comes at a premium.

If your business is home-based, finding space for that extra inventory means folding it around your day-to-day life in ways that can be inconvenient or downright impossible. And if you’re working out of an office or a retail location, the cost for renting additional floor space is often just too high. You need someplace to store your inventory that affords you easy access and keeps your stuff safe. That’s where self-storage in Lawton comes in!

Lawton self-storage is considerably more affordable than renting additional office or retail space, but it still gives you the security and accessibility that you need. Not only can you access your inventory anytime, seven days a week, but you can also control who has access to it. If your inventory is just sitting in the middle of the stockroom, every employee you have may be tripping over it. But with self-storage in Lawton, you can ensure that only the employees who need access to the inventory get it. But we still encourage all of our customers to take out self-storage insurance, just in case. While we do everything we can to keep your stuff safe—with 24/7 digital video and fenced and walled perimeters—even we can’t prevent damage in the event of a natural disaster like a tornado.

Renting self-storage in Lawton is convenient, too. Units are available in just about any size that you need, with climate-controlled self-storage available to protect your inventory from extremes of heat, cold, and humidity all year round. Plus, you can rent Lawton self-storage units by the month, so that you only have it for as long as you need it.

In the end, if you have excess inventory or just need to free up some additional space this month, then there’s no better time to call Storage ‘R’ Us to see what self-storage in Lawton can do for your business!

Since frequent moves are often part of the job when it comes to military service, our friends in the military tend to become experts at packing things, whether they’re planning to take them along on their next permanent change of station (PCS) or keep them in military self-storage in Lawton. Still, it never hurts to have a refresher on some tips and special considerations for some of the most commonly packed items that we see when people come in looking for self-storage deals near Fort Sill.

If you’re relocating with a PCS and planning to take your stuff with you, you can often ship your belongings, though the military does have weight allowances that you’ll want to check. But if you’re being sent overseas or are being temporarily reassigned, military self-storage in Lawton might be a better idea. This being the case, here are a few packing tips that can help you make the most of your self-storage:

  • When packing electronics remove all batteries before storing, and store in a cardboard box with plenty of packing material to keep it from moving or breaking. Use foam or packing peanuts instead of bubble wrap to allow your electronics to “breathe.” It’s also a good idea to toss in some silica gel packets to keep them dry. And, of course, you should always store electronics in climate-controlled self-storage in order to protect against heat and humidity.
  • Storing clothing depends a lot on how long you’re planning to keep it in storage. If you switch your wardrobe out with the seasons, then simple packing may be sufficient. But if you’re planning to store clothes for the long haul, you’ll want to take precautions against mold, mildew, and damage from moths and other pests. If you’re storing clothes long-term, it’s important to rotate clothing out of storage at least once every year or so and give it an opportunity to “air out.”
  • Furniture takes up a lot of space, but that’s precisely why it’s a popular thing for military self-storage in Lawton. After all, who wants to haul a couch around with them from place to place? On the other hand, you do want it to be ready when you get back. Where possible, disassemble furniture before storage—especially wooden furniture—and store as much of it as you can flat. Wrap furniture—especially leather and upholstered furniture—in plastic to keep out bugs and moisture.
  • Dishware is something that we all use, but it’s also something that most of us store at one time or another. Maybe you’ve got the good china that you only bring out for special occasions, or extra plates that you keep around for big family meals around the holidays. Whatever the reason, storing dishware runs the risk of cracking, chipping, or breaking it. The most important thing to remember when storing dishes is to make sure that each one is protected from contact with the others. Pieces of felt can provide padding, or dishes can be wrapped in acid-free paper.

Whatever it is that you’re storing, we’ve got the solutions that you’re looking for with military self-storage in Lawton. And if you’re seeking the best self-storage deals near Fort Sill, we’ve got those, too. In fact, Storage ‘R’ Us is always running monthly specials, so call your nearest Lawton self-storage location today to check for military discounts on self-storage!

Of course you know by now that we offer plenty of secure, convenient, and affordable self-storage solutions in Lawton, OK and beyond, but did you know that you can also store your car, RV, or boat here? That’s right! Storage ‘R’ Us offers a wide range of options for vehicle self-storage, from auto storage in Lawton to RV storage and even boat storage.

Vehicle self-storage comes in a lot of different forms. You can park your car in a storage unit, take advantage of our covered RV storage in Lawton, or park it out in the open under a tarp. Whatever option is right for you, before you bring in your car, motorcycle, boat, or RV, there are a few things you’ll want to do to get it ready for self-storage, especially to keep furry critters and other pests from getting inside.

Think about it: A stored vehicle would seem like a pretty cushy home to bugs and rodents. There are padded seats to burrow and nest into, and plenty of hidey-holes to keep them safe from predators. Just imagine the palace that a parked RV would seem to a mouse in the winter! So what’s the best way to keep ’em out?

Well, depending on the level of vehicle self-storage that you’re planning to use—and the type of vehicle you’re planning to store—your pest-proofing needs may vary, but there are a few good rules of thumb to keep in mind. The first and perhaps most important is to clean your vehicle thoroughly before you bring it in to auto storage in Lawton. That’s just good general advice, but it also means that there won’t be crumbs and other bits of food to attract insects and other pests. By the same token, you’ll also want to make sure that you take all the food out of your RV before you put it into RV storage in Lawton.

For boat storage, make sure that you get a tight-fitting cover, even if you’re going to be storing your boat under covered storage or even inside. And do what you can to seal any gaps around the doors of your RV before it goes into long-term storage.

A bit of steel wool stuck in your tailpipe can help keep critters from nesting inside—just leave yourself a note so you remember to take it out again! Of course, depending on what you’re trying to keep out, there are plenty of pest repellents and even traps that you can buy that are safe for use in your vehicles, and of course, it never hurts to toss in some mothballs to protect upholstery and fabrics. Dryer sheets can also work wonders by repelling mice and other vermin, and will also leave your car smelling like fresh laundry! Our friendly vehicle self-storage experts can help you find the right solution for your vehicle.

So if you’re in the market for auto storage in Lawton—whether you’re looking to store a car, boat, RV, or any other vehicle—look no further than vehicle self-storage from Storage ‘R’ Us!

It’s a dream that all of us share, at one time or another: To run away, leaving everything behind; to travel the world with little more than the clothes on our backs. Just imagine trekking across the country or around the globe with only what you can bring with you—hiking across Europe on college break with everything you’ve got in a rucksack on your back—cruising Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica in style in your very own RV—or maybe biking the Pacific Coast Route with nothing more than you can fit in your panniers.

Yeah, sometimes we’d all love to “let it all go” for a while and hit the open road. There’s just one problem: What do you do with all your stuff while you’re gone? After all, no matter how seasoned an adventurer you may be, there’s a good chance that you’ll be coming back someday. Heck, even Indiana Jones had to occasionally head back to his little office at Marshall College from time to time to drop off a few trinkets or pick up his spare whip. Fortunately, if you’re planning a long trip, there’s a solution for all your stuff in self-storage in Oklahoma!

After all, Oklahoma is pretty centrally located in the United States, so it’s convenient to just about anywhere. Whether you’re from across the country, the other side of the globe, or right here in Lawton, you’re always welcome to store your stuff at Storage ‘R’ Us!

Self-storage in Oklahoma provides a safe, secure place to keep all of your stuff while you’re away, and means that it’s always available and convenient when you need to come back to pick something up or re-supply. So whether you’re planning one long trip, or a bunch of shorter ones, self-storage in Oklahoma may be just what you’re looking for!

There are a lot of different reasons to travel, some of them more pleasant than others. Some people travel for business, going to conferences or conventions. Other people travel to visit family, or return to places where they previously lived. Many people travel on vacation, and while the average family vacation is only around 4 days long (down from more than week in 1975), scientists have determined that 8 days is the optimal length for maximum vacation enjoyment.

Of course, at Storage ‘R’ Us we’re particularly proud to offer military self-storage in Oklahoma for those brave men and women who travel to protect and serve our country. For those who are stationed overseas, military self-storage can be a perfect, safe, secure, and reliable solution for keeping your treasured belongings safe and sound until you get back.

Whatever your reasons, if you’re ready to pack it all up and hit the road, then you should make Storage ‘R’ Us your next stop for self-storage in Oklahoma, to ensure that all your stuff is waiting safe and sound for you when you get back.

Planning a move can be pretty stressful, whether you’re moving across the country or just down the street. There’s a lot to keep track of; a lot of work to be done. Fortunately, self-storage in Lawton can help take some of the stress out of your next move. Want to find out how?

The answer is that self-storage in Lawton can help make your next move easier in all sorts of different ways. Planning to sell your home and need to stage it for interested buyers? Self-storage can keep your stuff out of sight and help your home look pristine in no time. Closing date on your new house later than the closing date on your old one? Self-storage has got you covered during the downtime. Going to be in-between homes for a while during your move? Self-storage in Lawton can help with that too.

Plus, self-storage is essential if you’re downsizing after retirement or just planning to move from a larger home into a smaller one. Especially if you’ve moved before, you’ll probably remember that you don’t always know what you’re going to need until you get to the new place. Who can forget those late-night trips to the store because you don’t have enough shower curtains? So when you’re getting ready to downsize, you may not always be sure of what you want to keep, or may not have room in your new place for everything that you want to hold onto. That’s where self-storage in Lawton comes to the rescue!

One of the best parts about using self-storage to help with your next move is that self-storage in Lawton is something you can rent out months in advance so that you can slowly begin to move over boxes of stuff at your own pace. After all, everyone owns a lot of things they don’t use every day, so you could be packing it up for weeks or months before the move, and gradually staging it in your self-storage unit until you’re ready to go.

What makes it even better is that this slow and steady method lets you sort and stage certain types of items as you’re getting to them. Maybe these boxes are for Goodwill, and those are for the kids, and these need to go to the next garage sale, and those are going to the new house as soon as possible. Using self-storage to sort and stage your stuff in advance can make moving a snap by comparison. You’ll wonder why you ever did it any other way!

Planning your next move or just want to learn more about self-storage in Lawton? Storage ‘R’ Us has three convenient locations in Lawton, and our friendly staff would love to see you there any time!