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Embracing Minimalism: Self-Storage and the Journey to a Clutter-Free Home

Minimalism and self storage in Oklahoma

Embracing Minimalism: Self-Storage and the Journey to a Clutter-Free Home

Minimalism isn’t just a popular buzzword, and it’s not just about owning fewer items. It’s a way of life that’s about appreciating what you do have and making the most of it without burying yourself in clutter. It’s about keeping only what you love and use regularly and enjoying the freedom that comes with clearing the clutter from your home and your daily life. Of course, you probably have some things that you can’t bear to part with, no matter how much you want or need them out of your living spaces. Fortunately, that’s where minimalism and self-storage can help! Self-storage in Oklahoma helps you remove the clutter from your life while still keeping those items you can’t part with safe and sound. Let’s take a closer look at how.

Getting Started. The process of decluttering can seem overwhelming initially. With any lifestyle change, the first step is often the hardest. Overcoming inertia can be difficult, but once you get started, you’ll find that the rest of the process comes more easily, especially if you begin by focusing on why you want to live a more simplified lifestyle.

Understanding Your “Why.” Before you begin the process of decluttering your home, it’s important to understand what you’re trying to accomplish. Your “why” may be anything from wanting more space in your home to spending less of your free time managing your belongings. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to keep them at the forefront of your mind during the decluttering process so that you understand your goals and can keep them in front of you as motivation.

Starting Small. As with any complex process, it’s best to start small so that you don’t become overwhelmed right away. It’s all too easy to get started, only to feel like you have already bitten off more than you can chew. To avoid this, begin the process with a single drawer, shelf, or closet. Starting with a small area allows you to get a feel for the process and will also give you an immediate sense of accomplishment that can help carry you on to the next step. Plus, you can use any of the tricks that you learn from that first small project on the larger ones ahead!

Identifying and Discarding Duplicate Items. The easiest way to begin reducing clutter in your life is to let go of items that you have multiples of. From books to kitchen utensils, many of us accumulate duplicate items, often without even realizing it. Maybe you bought one for yourself and later received another as a gift or just bought a second one because you forgot you had purchased the first. Whatever the case may be, these duplications are obvious targets for decluttering.

Digitizing Whenever Possible. We live in a world where digital storage solutions make it possible to eliminate a lot of physical clutter while still keeping the content that matters to us. This may mean music, books, DVDs, and so on, but it can also be certain documents and even photographs. In fact, using cloud storage options for photographs may be even better than keeping a physical copy. They can be easily shared with friends and family, and many cloud storage solutions offer backup options to help ensure the safety of all your treasured memories.

Incorporating the ‘One In, One Out’ Rule. Once you’ve decluttered your space, though, how do you keep it decluttered? Nothing feels worse than working hard on a project only to find it all undone before you know it. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your newly decluttered home clutter free, and one of these is the “one in, one out” rule. For every new item that you bring into your home, you have to let an older item go. The items don’t need to be commensurate in size or type. It’s simply a way to remind you to keep clutter at the forefront of your mind as you live your life day to day. Before you buy something new, you’ll find yourself asking, “What am I going to get rid of to make room for this?”

The Role of Self Storage in Minimalism. Most people think minimalism means getting rid of things that they already have, but that’s not necessarily true, especially for those who have items that they can’t bear to part with. That’s where minimalism and self-storage come in. With a self-storage unit on your side, you can enjoy a minimalist home without having to say goodbye to all of your stuff. You can put it out of sight and out of mind with some convenient self-storage in Oklahoma.

Remember that minimalism is a journey, not a destination. Decluttering your home has a variety of practical benefits, whether you go for absolute minimalism or simply try to reduce the amount of stuff you have lying around. A clutter-free home has been shown to yield significant psychological benefits, including lower stress, and you’ll have more free time if you spend less of it cleaning and organizing. Plus, it’s something that is within everyone’s reach. It’s just a matter of starting small and setting achievable goals.

Whether you’re embracing minimalism as a lifestyle or just trying to lead a slightly less cluttered existence, you can find the tools you need to help you on your journey at Storage ‘R’ Us. From climate-controlled storage to packing and moving supplies, and from specialty vehicle storage to units sized to fit any need, our convenient self-storage facilities have the solution that’s perfect for you. Plus, our friendly staff can answer any questions you might have or direct you toward the storage solution that will help you achieve your goals. Call or visit one of our convenient locations in Lawton, Duncan, Moore, Chickasha, Newcastle, or Norman today, and let us help you get started on your minimalism journey!

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