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Top 10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from Self Storage in Oklahoma

business office storage oklahoma

Top 10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from Self Storage in Oklahoma

Big or small, serving a broad audience or a niche interest, every business can benefit from improved organization. Whether you need additional office space, a place to store inventory, a temporary workshop to fill seasonal orders, or space for tools and equipment that you’re not using right now, self storage in Oklahoma may be the perfect way to help your business reach its organizational goals this year. Let’s take a look at a few of the things that self storage can do for your business! Counting down!

#10. Self storage in Oklahoma offers your business convenience and flexibility! You can rent as much or as little space as you need for your business, and many self storage facilities offer month-to-month leasing, so you’re not locked into a long-term contract. This means that you can adjust your self storage usage as your business needs change, getting more space when you need it and less when you don’t!

#9. Self storage for businesses can be a lifesaver if you’re renovating your office. It’s best to keep things out of the way while work is being done. You’ll help protect office equipment from becoming filled with dust, furniture from getting scratched up or otherwise damaged, and just about everything from being lost. When the work is done, all of your valuable equipment and furniture will be right where you need it and ready to go!

#8. Self storage can help you save money on supplies. That’s right. With a little help from your self storage unit, you can buy in bulk and shift the excess into storage until it’s needed. This is helpful for businesses of all types, but it can be particularly handy for restaurants and other businesses that use a lot of non-perishable items such as paper goods in large quantities. Buying in bulk helps you get more for your dollar!

#7. Anyone who has ever used self storage in Oklahoma to help them plan a move to a new home can tell you that self storage can help when you’re between offices or locations. Whether you’re planning a move or in the middle of one, moving to a smaller location or a larger office, self storage can give you a place to stage equipment, furniture, and everything else as you transition from one space to the next.

#6. Not every type of business stores heavy equipment or vehicles, but many do, such as businesses that provide lawn and garden services, contractors, and even food truck owners. Self storage can provide a safe, convenient space to put tools, heavy equipment, and even vehicles when they’re not in use. Even restaurant owners may benefit from the ability to store large kitchen appliances, especially ones that are only used for certain dishes or only needed for part of the year.

#5. Removing clutter around the office helps employees to be more productive and makes the workplace safer. What’s more, studies have shown that open, uncluttered workspaces help to make workers happier, and employees who come to work in a clean and uncluttered office typically report a higher rate of satisfaction with their job. Plus, you might even have enough extra space freed up to put in that espresso machine everyone’s been asking for. That’ll make everybody happier!

#4. Self storage can actually help you improve security! How? Think of a secure self storage facility as a sort of external vault. It’s someplace to keep assets, equipment, and documents that need to be retained but that also shouldn’t be left where someone could get at them. Self storage units should be locked and secured by you, and they’ll also be watched 24/7 by the self storage facility itself. Most top-tier facilities offer security measures such as video monitoring, fenced and gated perimeters, and staff on hand, to name a few. To keep items safe from the ravages of temperature fluctuations and humidity, you can also opt for climate controlled self storage.

#3. Self storage can even help you expand and grow your business, especially when you’re hiring new employees. As your business grows, it may experience growing pains, including not having enough space for everything from an expanding inventory to a growing workforce. Self storage in Oklahoma can help with all of that! Sure, you can’t put the new employees in your storage unit, but you can open up space in the office to add more desks, cubicles, or other workspaces by moving other things into self storage. If your business is growing, before you rent out a bigger office space, consider whether self storage can address your needs instead! You can put the money you save back into your business!

#2. A self storage unit can act as the warehouse you’ve always needed. Warehouse space can be pricy and subject to a lot of variation in quality and availability. Self storage from a reputable storage facility gives you all the benefits of a warehouse plus the knowledge that you can always access your merchandise, samples, raw materials, spare parts, and so on day or night. You can even use self storage as a central location for your packing and shipping efforts.

#1. The number-one way that self storage in Oklahoma can benefit your business is simply by providing more space. It doesn’t really matter what you need the space for. Whether you’re storing boxes of files, putting unused office furniture out of the way, expanding your packing and shipping operations, finding a place to park work vehicles during the off-season, adding more office space for new employees, or decluttering the office, every business needs space, from the biggest corporation to the smallest food truck. Any business can benefit from self storage in Oklahoma.

No matter what kind of business you run—or what kind of storage needs your business is facing—we can help you out with the storage solution that’s perfect for you! With locations in Lawton, Duncan, Chickasha, Moore, Newcastle, and Norman, Storage ‘R’ Us has been serving Oklahoma businesses and residents since 1972, and we can help you find the perfect place for all your stuff today!

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