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Climate-Controlled Self-Storage in Oklahoma is Perfect for College Students

Every college student knows that it’s best to pack light when you head off to college at the end of the summer. You’re going to accumulate a lot of stuff over the course of the year—textbooks and keepsakes and clothing items and more—and it’s not easy to store everything in small dorm rooms or in rooms at the frat or sorority house. Even if you get into an apartment or other off-campus housing, you probably won’t have a lot of space. That’s where self storage in Oklahoma comes in. Here are the top six reasons college students in Oklahoma and across the country use self storage near campus:

1. You accumulate stuff. Whether we mean to or not, we end up with stuff as we live our lives. Some of that stuff can get pretty bulky. A T-shirt with your team colors may not take up much space, but that ping pong table your fraternity brother gave you is definitely not going to fit in your room.

2. You need a place to park. It may not even have occurred to you, but if there’s limited parking on campus or you just don’t need your car or bike to get around very often, you can actually put it in vehicle storage to keep it safe, secure, and out of the way.

3. You want to offload the extras. During our college years, most of us spend at least some of the time with a roommate. That often means having doubles of everything. Some stuff you want to keep two of, like toothbrushes and clothes, but other things don’t require doubling up. You probably don’t need two toasters, two TVs, and so on. Put the extra one into Oklahoma self storage!

4. You need space for seasonal items. Most of us don’t do a lot of holiday decorating during our college years, but we may engage in seasonal activities like camping, hunting, skiing, and so on. Unfortunately, the gear for that can get pretty bulky, so why not put it someplace out of the way?

5. You aren’t always in the same spot. When we first arrive as freshmen, we’re usually in one of the dorms, but most of us don’t end our college careers in the same place we started out. We may move to a different dorm, we may pledge a sorority or fraternity, we may get an off-campus apartment, or we may even change schools. Even when we do stay in the same place, we often go home for the holidays or for summer break, and having our stuff in a self storage unit near the campus makes moving back in a whole lot easier.

6. You have things you don’t want to leave behind. Whether that’s mementos and keepsakes that mean a lot to you, collections or hobby supplies, or more valuable items like TVs, consoles, and other electronics, you can keep them safe and accessible with a nearby self storage unit.

If you’re a student at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma in Chickasha, Mid-America Christian University in OKC, or anywhere else in the state, you can find self storage near you. In fact, Storage ‘R’ Us has eight convenient Oklahoma self storage locations, many of them near the universities we just mentioned, and we’re always happy to help you store your stuff!

You’re running out of space at home, but what are you gonna do? Finding a bigger house right now could be a challenge. The housing market in Oklahoma is no different than in other states across the Midwest, with shortages on all types of homes, new construction slow to complete, waiting lists with builders and developers a mile long, prices for building materials through the roof (so to speak), list prices of new homes higher than ever, and many existing homes selling for well above their asking price. In short, it’s not a great time to be looking for a new home.

If you’re outgrowing your present home but you’re unsure you can move into someplace bigger, all is not lost. With a little help from Oklahoma self storage, you can make more space in your existing home instead of moving to a bigger one. We’ve combed dozens of articles on the subject to bring you some of the very best tips for how to make it happen!

Get rid of what you don’t need. This one may go without saying, but the first thing you should do if you want to make more room at home is to let go of anything that you no longer need or use. This can feel like a pretty daunting task, however. Fortunately, there’s a relatively simple way to do it. Break the job down by room, rather than trying to do everything at once. Start with that spare bedroom or your office, and clear out one room at a time. If you’re getting rid of things that are still perfectly good, don’t just toss them in the trash, though. Consider a donation. You can even itemize it for your taxes!

Optimize your bedroom space. It’s easy to let our bedrooms get cluttered up with clothes, lamps, extra pillows and blankets, or whatever. Unfortunately, a cluttered bedroom is far from conducive to good sleep. Start by ensuring that you’re putting your closet space to good use. Anything that’s out of season can be kept in storage containers under the bed or in self storage so that it doesn’t take up valuable closet real estate. Clearing out your bedroom will create a space that’s restful, welcoming, and free from distractions.

Attack the cupboards, closets, and shelves. Clutter thrives behind closed doors. Out of sight, out of mind. We’re mostly talking about kitchen cabinets and cupboards—especially the hard-to-reach ones that you seldom use—but you might have other places throughout the house that you use to keep your clutter out of the way. Go through all of it a bit at a time. Throw out anything that’s expired—you’ll be surprised at how much you find—and get rid of anything you don’t need. Clean out the fridge and freezer while you’re at it. You may be shocked at how much space you can free up!

Outgrown it? Let it go. Get your kids in on the action. Have them help by boxing up anything they’ve outgrown. That means clothes, sure, but it could also mean toys that they no longer play with or books that they no longer read. Of course, this doesn’t just apply to kids, either. How long has it been since you got out those scrapbooking supplies? When was the last time you picked up the knitting needles? If you’re no longer into a craft or hobby, banish all the ephemera from the house like you would a bothersome poltergeist. Same goes for clothes that no longer fit or that you simply never wear.

Don’t junk up the garage (unless you have to). The garage can be a great solution for storing lawn mowers, camping gear, sports equipment, you name it. On the other hand, an over-cluttered garage is only going to spell frustration when you need to access something that’s stored inside. Plus, you might want to, you know, actually put your car in there sometimes. Fortunately, you can maximize the efficiency of your garage space by installing overhead ceiling racks or shelving along the walls. These can help to store all kinds of things like luggage or seasonal decorations, while still leaving room for your car this winter.

Maintain productivity in your home office. These days, we’re all getting a lot more use out of our home offices than we used to. Even if you don’t work from home, a home office may get plenty of traffic when family members are doing homework, paying bills, working on crafts, or just surfing the ‘net. Unfortunately, all that use can also mean lots of clutter. Luckily, plenty of other people have found themselves in a similar situation, and office supply stores can be a treasure trove of handy and efficient storage solutions that can help keep your home office organized.

Use vertical and overhead space. No matter how much cleaning and reorganizing you do, your home is only so big. You may find that you’re still short on space even after you’ve purged everything you feel comfortable purging and organized everything that’s left. Many of us don’t take into account more than half the space in our houses, though. The space up near the ceiling doesn’t have to go to waste just because it’s up high. Hang bicycles from the ceiling, mount the TV on the wall, put bookshelves up over doorways, and use other clever storage solutions to help keep your home looking uncluttered while making use of all the space you do have.

Take advantage of Oklahoma self storage. Of course, you don’t have to store everything you own in your home. That’s what self storage in Lawton is for. We can help you keep the things you want to hang on to but don’t have room for, and we can help you keep items out of the way in the short term while you declutter, organize, downsize, relocate as part of a military move, stage your house for storage, or at any other time. We can also help you to make the most of your self storage space. Just ask one of our friendly staff for tips while you’re here!

Storage ‘R’ Us is a local self storage company that’s been serving Lawton and the surrounding communities since 1972, and we can’t wait to help you declutter your home and start living your best life today! And when the housing market improves and you do decide to move? We’ll be here to help with that, too.

Shopping for a new home is exciting, but actually buying, packing, and moving can be a challenge. This is especially true today, when the market is hot for sellers and overrun with buyers. More existing homes were sold in 2020 than in any year since 2006. That’s some 5.64 million homes sold, according to the National Association of Realtors. Things aren’t looking to slow down anytime in 2021, either, with prospective home buyers facing the most competitive housing market in decades.

At the end of last year, 70% of the homes that were sold had been on the market for less than 30 days. With existing home inventory at a point around 30% below where it was last year, and the national median sale price of a single-family dwelling up nearly 15%, sellers are reaping the rewards of above-asking-price offers and record-quick sales. Home shoppers, on the other hand, are often left in the lurch, caught between homes for extended periods of time as they close on one deal and wait for another. Finding a temporary home for yourself and your family is one thing—you can rent a hotel room for a few days or stay with family—but what do you do with all that stuff until the new house is move-in ready?

Whether you’re caught between homes, getting ready to sell a home, staging your home for sale, or even just thinking about buying a new home and moving out of an apartment or other living arrangement, there are all sorts of ways your Oklahoma self storage facility can help you with storage space no matter your situation.

Selling a home? Homes that are well-staged sell faster and for more money. Even in a seller’s market like we’re currently experiencing, it doesn’t hurt to have every advantage you can get. You can make your place look showroom-new by moving some of your belongings into self storage!

Buying a home? We do the best we can to get the timing right, but sometimes there’s a gap between when we sell our old house and when the new one is move-in ready. In that case, a self storage unit is a lifesaver. You can keep all your stuff safe, secure, and out of the way until it’s ready to go into the new place.

Renovating a home? Whether you bought a home that’s a fixer-upper or are taking advantage of some downtime to spruce up your current place, self storage in Oklahoma can help keep your belongings out of the way while you work.

Downsizing while moving? Moving is already stressful enough. If you’re also downsizing into a smaller home at the same time, that stress can increase, especially if you don’t have much time to sort through everything that you plan to keep, donate, or get rid of. In that situation, turn to self storage. Put your stuff out of sight until you need it or you’re ready to go through it all and decide what you’re keeping and what you’re not.

Don’t want to be a burden on friends or family? Sure, Mom and Dad say they have plenty of room in the basement, and some of your friends have even offered up little bits of space here and there. The problem is, if you take everyone up on their offers, you may find your furniture and boxes in half a dozen different spots across the city. Oklahoma self storage might be a better option.

Relocating to a new area? Moving is never easy, but moving to a new city or state is always much tougher than just moving across town. Wherever your next move is going to take you, if you put some of your household items into self storage, you can do the move in stages, rather than having to manage it all at once.

Sold your home sooner than expected? A quick sale is always nice, but in this booming housing market, it can be easy to be caught at loose ends. Rather than renegotiate closing dates and risk losing a great offer, let self storage help you to be flexible. Take that incredible offer today, and put everything into storage until you find the perfect new place!

Looking to declutter before a showing? Realtors and other experts will tell you that it helps your home sell if prospective buyers can picture what the place will look like once they and their families and all their stuff are moved in. That means making space for all those imaginary décor items, which means getting your stuff out of the way and putting it into Oklahoma self storage.

Just need to move select items? Whether you’re planning a move yourself or staging a home for sale, there are certain items that you want to take special care of. Self storage can keep these safe, sound, and out of the way. Just remember to pick up some insurance for your valuable possessions. Even the best self storage facilities can only do so much in the face of a tornado or flood.

Taking your time with that new home? You just bought a new house! Congratulations! But maybe you aren’t quite sure where you want everything, where the couch should go in relation to the TV, or which room is the perfect spot for your home office. Rather than being buried under a pile of your stuff while you sort it all out, keep it in self storage and decorate your new home a bit at a time!

Just thinking about it? Buying a home and planning a move can be an incredible time in your life, but it’s also a lot of stress. Even if you haven’t found that dream house or set a date for your move, you can start planning things out, packing things up, and reducing your stress by using self storage to prep for the move in advance!

Whether you’re selling your home, buying a home, moving, or just thinking it over, self storage in Oklahoma can help take some of the worry and stress off your plate so you can make important decisions and, above all, enjoy the process a little more. Whatever your storage needs, Storage ‘R’ Us has the perfect solution at one of our eight convenient facilities that have been serving Oklahoma communities since 1972!

Before a big move, you’re probably grabbing every cardboard box you can get your hands on, but when the move is over, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of cardboard you’ve gathered to do the job. Not to worry: Your friends at Storage ‘R’ Us self storage in Oklahoma have some tips on what to do with all those extra boxes once the move is over!

You may not want to just throw it all out. Even if you can bundle it up and arrange for “bulk item” pickup from your local trash service, that can often cost you extra out of pocket. Plus, there are better things to do with excess boxes than simply throw them into some landfill. We’ve got a few great ideas to help you put that cardboard to better use!

  • Recycle. Even if you can’t use the boxes yourself, you can always recycle them. Most forms of cardboard are recyclable, and corrugated cardboard has a recovery rate of more than 95%, so there’s no reason not to recycle what you can. Here in Oklahoma, you can find cardboard recycling bins at Walmart, among other places.
  • Keep them for jobs around the house. Cardboard is good for more than just boxes. You never know when you’ll need a large piece of cardboard for a painting job, protection for a cutting surface, damage protection for floors, or any number of other DIY applications.
  • Break them down and store boxes for a future move. If you’re a member of a military family, for example, and you know (or suspect) that you’ll be moving again in the not-too-distant future, it never hurts to have some extra boxes ready for the next time.
  • Use boxes in your self storage unit. Not planning to go anywhere? Those boxes may still come in handy for keeping things organized and out of the way in your Oklahoma self storage unit. Just remember to keep cardboard boxes away from walls and up off the floor.
  • Ask your moving company if they want the boxes. Don’t need the boxes yourself? If you got them from your moving company, you may find that they’re more than happy to take them back and either reuse or recycle them.
  • Give them away to neighbors. If you know someone in your neighborhood who is planning a move, you can always offer them some of your boxes. Users of Craigslist, the local NextDoor, and community Facebook pages often communicate the need for boxes, too.
  • Sell them on BoxCycle or Craigslist. You might even be able to make a buck off your used boxes!
  • Donate the boxes to charity. Pick your favorite charity and see if they need boxes. Thrift stores that give to charitable causes especially have need for extra cardboard.

Whatever you have left over after your move, you can find the perfect home away from home for it at Storage ‘R’ Us self storage in Oklahoma. With eight locations in Lawton, Duncan, Chickasha, Moore, Newcastle, and Norman, we’re sure to have the storage solution you’re looking for!

Did you know that Santa Claus (aka Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle) has a long history of bringing toys and goodies to kids all over the world that dates all the way back to the third century? We often think of Santa as a fairly modern character, but he’s been with us for quite some time. In the past, we’ve written about the fact that Santa probably uses self storage—especially to park his sleigh during the off season – but for this holiday season, we were wondering what Santa might still have packed away in Oklahoma self storage from years – or even centuries – gone by. Let’s see what we can dream up!

Old Woodworking Tools – That jolly old elf is a woodworker, after all, and while his current setup at the North Pole is probably very modern with all the latest machine tools, those old tools likely have sentimental value and might be in climate-controlled self storage.

Previous Versions of the Sleigh – Who doesn’t want to trade up their old ride for something a little more sporty from time to time? After nearly twenty centuries, Santa has probably gone through a sleigh or two. This new one likely has heated seats and plays his MP3s.

Old Santa Suits – When you have to wear a uniform for work, you always want to have a few extras around. Santa’s traditional attire has changed quite a bit over the centuries, and some of those suits may not even fit him anymore. (Hey, we all used to be thinner at one time or another.)

Reindeer Tack and Supplies – You don’t hook eight reindeer – even tiny ones – to a sleigh without bits, bridles, reins, blankets, and all the other accoutrements that go with keeping draught animals.

Chimney Sweeping Equipment – How could Santa come down all those chimneys while keeping his red-and-white suit so spotlessly clean if he didn’t keep the chimneys swept out as he goes? Besides the long brushes and things that are used to actually clean a chimney, conscientious modern chimney sweeps also use drop cloths and HEPA filter vacuums to keep them from making a mess.

All Those Old Naughty and Nice Lists – Every business has to retain customer records, right? And Santa probably needs to refer to all those old lists from time to time. Plus, Santa gets a lot of correspondence, and we just know that he doesn’t throw any of it away. His climate-controlled self storage unit is probably full of old letters from kids all over the world.

Toy Prototypes – Santa no longer sends them to the Island of Misfit Toys, but all those toy prototypes have to go somewhere.

Old Exercise Equipment – Like most of us, Santa has probably tried to drop a few pounds in the off season more than once. He probably keeps all those old rowers and treadmills and ab crunchers in a self storage unit.

Parade Gear – You typically see Santa in the Macy’s parade each year. Sometimes he’s on a float, sometimes he’s in his sleigh, and sometimes he’s in a fancy car. He must have someplace to keep all those things the rest of the year, and vehicle self storage would be just the ticket.

Tons of Unused Wrapping Supplies – All those gifts under the tree don’t just wrap themselves, after all. However much unused wrapping paper, gift bags, boxes, ribbons, and bows you may have in your Oklahoma self storage unit, Santa probably has a whole lot more!

Coal – Sure, most of the time Santa leaves nice presents in the stockings of good children, but there’s bound to be a few lumps of coal here and there. That stuff is sooty, though, and you don’t want it just lying around the house. Santa probably keeps his coal supply somewhere off-site.

Whatever you keep in Oklahoma self storage, we’ve got the perfect solution for all your self storage needs at Storage ‘R’ Us in Lawton, Chickasha, Duncan, Moore, Newcastle, and Norman!

With day-to-day life seemingly getting more complex by the minute, life hacks are becoming increasingly popular with people of all ages and from all walks of life. Just do a quick Google search, and you can find life hacks for just about anyone and anything: life hacks for moms, teens, school; life hacks for the home, the office, the beach; life hacks to help get you through your morning, your evening, and even your weekend.

Many of the life hacks that you find have to do with increasing productivity or efficiency—getting things done easier and with less fuss and work. Here at Storage ‘R’ Us, we’re always happy to see life hacks that help you make better use of your time and space around the home, since they often recommend public storage in Oklahoma as a solution that can help reduce clutter, simplify your day, open up your living spaces, and generally improve your life. With that in mind, we’ve assembled a few life hacks of our own that you can use to get the most out of self storage: 

  1. Think Twice About Packing Your Essentials

Self storage is a great solution for so many things, but it’s not the right answer for everything in your home. It’s a good idea to think seriously about what you’re planning to put into public storage, and don’t pack away anything that you’re going to need on a regular basis.

Sure, you may not use that newfangled pressure cooker that you got for Christmas every day, but if you’ll be using it even once a month, it might be better to keep it in the cabinet and save yourself a trip to your Oklahoma self storage unit. When putting items into self storage, consider how much space they take up and how often you use them.

  1. Use a Pack and Track App for Self Storage

It can take the average American family six months or more to unpack the last box after move. That’s a heck of a long time to go without, well, whatever was in that final box. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available these days that can help you keep track of what you’re moving and storing.

“Pack and track” apps for your smartphone can help you streamline your move, but they’re also a great solution for keeping track of things in self storage. There are a number of different apps available, and many of them not only itemize the contents of your storage boxes, they generate color-coded labels to help let you know what’s in each box at a glance!

  1. Vacuum Pack Clothes and Bedsheets

Clothes, towels, blankets, bedsheets, and other linens and fabric items can take up a lot of space. Fortunately, you can not only reduce that space but also protect these items from bugs, wrinkles, and even mildew with the use of simple vacuum-sealed bags. These are available online or from many home goods stores. You simply put your quilt or clothes into the bag then suck out the air with your vacuum cleaner. Now your bedsheets or beach towels take up much less space, and they have an added layer of protection!

  1. Buy a Variety of Storage Box Sizes

One of the biggest mistakes people make when packing items for self storage is not filling the box. Filling boxes until they are full not only makes the best use of your space, it also helps protect the items that you’re storing and helps protect you. Boxes that are filled all the way up are less likely to tip and fall, potentially damaging the contents or even giving you a bump on the head.

To make the most out of your self storage space, get boxes in a variety of sizes. This means that you can easily fill boxes to capacity while also having boxes that work well for items of different sizes. When putting boxes into your storage unit, be sure to stack lighter boxes on top of heavier ones and smaller boxes on top of larger ones. You can also use pallets or shelves so that your boxes will be up off the floor and easier to get into.

  1. Break it Down Before Storing

Furniture is a popular item for self storage in Oklahoma, partly because furniture takes up a lot of space. Unfortunately, that means it takes up a lot of space in your self storage unit, too. The good news is that you can reduce the space furniture takes up by disassembling it before you store it. Furniture isn’t the only thing you can take apart, either. Many seasonal decorations and other items can be broken down before you put them away.

When you’re disassembling anything from furniture to exercise equipment, however, make sure that you disassemble carefully and label everything so that it’s easy to put back together when you need it again.

  1. Use Up All the Storage Space but Leave a Pathway

To get the most out of your self storage unit, you should pack it full. That means making use of vertical space, too. However, you don’t want to fill every single inch of your storage unit. Leave a little space between the outer walls of the unit and your items to give your belongings a little room to “breathe.” Also make sure to leave yourself a path so that you can get to everything without having to move a bunch of other stuff to do it. 

  1. Consider the Changing Weather

Here in Oklahoma, the winters are cold and snowy, spring and autumn are often rainy and cool, and the summers can be scorchers with high humidity. Not many things stand up well to those kinds of extreme temperature changes, so if you’re storing Grandma’s old armoire or your collection of ancient scrolls, consider climate-controlled self storage in Lawton. 

  1. Make Sure Stored Items Are Insured

A good public storage provider in Oklahoma will do everything possible to keep your belongings safe and sound. At Storage ‘R’ Us that means 24-hour digital video security, fenced and walled perimeters, gated entry, and a whole lot more. Even with all these measures, however, we can’t protect against everything. Over the years, Oklahoma has seen floods and ice storms that left thousands without power as well as high winds that have torn the roofs off of homes and businesses. Plus, you’ve probably seen Twister, the 1996 movie starring Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt, right? That movie was filmed in Oklahoma for a reason.

When you’re putting your stuff into self storage in Oklahoma, it’s always a good idea to get a little extra insurance, just in case the worst should happen. It’s not much to pay for peace of mind, and in the event of a disaster, you’ll be very glad you did.

Use Public Storage in Oklahoma for Your Best Life

Here at Storage ‘R’ Us, we think self storage in Lawton is one of the best life hacks around. You can use it to de-clutter your home, simplify your life, and even keep treasured items safe from the weather with climate-controlled self storage. Whether you’re looking for military self storage, specialty vehicle storage, or lots more, we’ve got the perfect life hack for you at Storage ‘R’ Us in Oklahoma!

These days, more and more people are choosing to rent rather than buy their homes. In 2014, more than 40% of the population rented homes, apartments, or condos. Sometimes this is driven by convenience or budget, other times by necessity. Regardless of the reason, it’s a trend that doesn’t show any signs of going away, given that young people seem to be increasingly likely to rent rather than buy, with the share of renters aged 18 to 34 climbing to more than 70% in 2014.

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who rent a home, apartment, or condo, you know that there are tradeoffs, including limited space and limited options on how to improve that space for your own storage needs. That’s where self-storage in Oklahoma comes to the rescue. Whether you’re looking for self-storage in Chickasha, Newcastle, or anywhere else in Oklahoma, you can find storage solutions to help keep your stuff safe, secure, and out of the way, while also keeping it accessible while you rent!

Make a Moving and Storage Game Plan

Making a plan is a good first step before you embark on any big operation, and moving is definitely a big operation. When you’re moving into a new apartment or condo, your game plan will be determined in part by the reasons behind your move. You may be moving to go to school, to start a new job, or as part of your military service. (Military moves are especially common, and with so many bases around Lawton, Storage ‘R’ Us provides lots of military self-storage in Oklahoma.) You may be downsizing from a larger home into a smaller apartment, or moving out of your parents’ house or out of college dorms for the first time. In many cases, rentals are used to get a feel for a place before you buy a more permanent home there.

Whatever the reasons for your move, there will be stuff that you want to take with you, stuff that you want to leave behind, and probably stuff that you want to keep but may not have room for in your new place. Getting an idea of how much space you’ll have once you move can help prevent you from living out of boxes for weeks or months at a time once you get there. You can pack some things for your new place and some things for self-storage in Newcastle, or wherever you may be moving in Oklahoma. If you want more help planning your move, visit Storage ‘R’ Us in Lawton, Newcastle, Norman, Duncan, Chickasha, and Moore in Oklahoma. We’ve got plenty of moving supplies for sale, PENSKE truck rentals available, and the self-storage pros on our staff know lots of great moving tips that will help your game plan succeed!

Weed Out the Stuff You Don’t Need

We all have stuff that we don’t need, so if you’re downsizing your living space anyway, it’s a great time to de-clutter and simplify your life and your move. After all, the less stuff you have, the less you have to move!

Just because you own something now doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to come with you on the move, or go into storage. Let go of things you never use, or things that have no value to you—either monetary or sentimental. There’s no need to spend the time and energy moving things that you don’t actually want or need. For what’s left, however, self-storage in Oklahoma is a great fit. 

Measure Your Rooms

As we said, one of the most important parts of planning a move is knowing how much space you’re going to have when you get there. After all, there’s not much point in figuring out what you want to bring with you until you know what you can bring, right? When you visit the location, bring a tape measure, and get an accurate idea of the amount of usable space you’ll have to work with. Raw square footage numbers aren’t much help if it turns out that your bedroom is too narrow for your current bed. Once you know how much space you have in your rental, you can start figuring out how much space you’ll need in storage. 

Use the Self Storage Calculator

Some people are intimidated by the idea of renting self-storage in Chickasha or anywhere else, because they have no idea what size self-storage unit they’ll actually need. Fortunately, the pros at Storage ‘R’ Us have made it easy. You can visit any of our locations in Newcastle, Lawton, Chickasha, Moore, or Duncan, OK, and one of our self-storage associates will be happy to help you find the perfect self-storage unit for your needs. If you’re moving in from out of state, though, you may not have a lot of time to spend hanging out in Newcastle (or wherever) before you need to actually start your move, which is why we also have a handy online self-storage calculator that can help you to convert what you need to store into how much space you’ll need to store it! 

Rent Little, Rent Big

Self-storage in Oklahoma isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation; at least, here at Storage ‘R’ Us, we don’t think it should be. We don’t want you to rent any more space than you need, or try to cram all of your many rooms of stuff into a too-small unit. We want you to have the self-storage solution that’s perfect for you, your home, and your family. That means drive-up, exterior self-storage units, climate-controlled units, and many more options. We even offer RV, boat, and other specialty vehicle storage, for if you’re moving to a place with more restricted parking options than you’re used to.

All you need is a valid photo ID, current contact information, and about 15 minutes of time to fill out a lease agreement form. You’ll also want to bring along your own padlock so that you’re the only one who has access to the unit, though you can also buy padlocks from our on-site store. While you’re here, don’t forget to check out our gate and office hours. While you can generally access your stuff at any time, day or night, you might want to know when offices are open and staff are around to help you out.

And Consider Getting the Self Storage Insurance

Generally speaking, if you bother to put something into self-storage it’s because you want to keep it—unless it’s that collection of creepy porcelain dolls that you’ve somehow inherited, along with the curse that obviously comes with them. If something is important enough to you to store, it’s probably important enough to insure.

At Storage ‘R’ Us, we take the safety and security of our customers’ belongings very seriously. All our facilities are protected by fenced and walled perimeters and 24/7 digital video. But not even we can prevent natural disasters that may impact the contents of your self-storage unit. Fortunately, there are plenty of insurance companies that offer self-storage insurance to help protect the value of your stored possessions. One popular option is SafeStor, which offers a variety of inexpensive plans. You can ask your Storage ‘R’ Us self-storage team for more information, or ask for SafeStor insurance by name.

Storage ‘R’ Us has 8 Self Storage Locations in Oklahoma

Storage ‘R’ Us has been in business since 1972, so we’ve helped a lot of people move to, from, and within Oklahoma. We’ve got 8 convenient locations offering self-storage in Chickasha, Lawton, Moore, and Duncan, not to mention our two newest locations providing self-storage in Newcastle, OK. Whether you’re moving, looking for military self-storage in Oklahoma, or just need a place to put that RV, boat, or jet ski, we’ve got the self-storage solutions for you.

To get started making your next move easier, contact Storage ‘R’ Us at one of our 8 convenient locations today!

It’s a dream that all of us share, at one time or another: To run away, leaving everything behind; to travel the world with little more than the clothes on our backs. Just imagine trekking across the country or around the globe with only what you can bring with you—hiking across Europe on college break with everything you’ve got in a rucksack on your back—cruising Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica in style in your very own RV—or maybe biking the Pacific Coast Route with nothing more than you can fit in your panniers.

Yeah, sometimes we’d all love to “let it all go” for a while and hit the open road. There’s just one problem: What do you do with all your stuff while you’re gone? After all, no matter how seasoned an adventurer you may be, there’s a good chance that you’ll be coming back someday. Heck, even Indiana Jones had to occasionally head back to his little office at Marshall College from time to time to drop off a few trinkets or pick up his spare whip. Fortunately, if you’re planning a long trip, there’s a solution for all your stuff in self-storage in Oklahoma!

After all, Oklahoma is pretty centrally located in the United States, so it’s convenient to just about anywhere. Whether you’re from across the country, the other side of the globe, or right here in Lawton, you’re always welcome to store your stuff at Storage ‘R’ Us!

Self-storage in Oklahoma provides a safe, secure place to keep all of your stuff while you’re away, and means that it’s always available and convenient when you need to come back to pick something up or re-supply. So whether you’re planning one long trip, or a bunch of shorter ones, self-storage in Oklahoma may be just what you’re looking for!

There are a lot of different reasons to travel, some of them more pleasant than others. Some people travel for business, going to conferences or conventions. Other people travel to visit family, or return to places where they previously lived. Many people travel on vacation, and while the average family vacation is only around 4 days long (down from more than week in 1975), scientists have determined that 8 days is the optimal length for maximum vacation enjoyment.

Of course, at Storage ‘R’ Us we’re particularly proud to offer military self-storage in Oklahoma for those brave men and women who travel to protect and serve our country. For those who are stationed overseas, military self-storage can be a perfect, safe, secure, and reliable solution for keeping your treasured belongings safe and sound until you get back.

Whatever your reasons, if you’re ready to pack it all up and hit the road, then you should make Storage ‘R’ Us your next stop for self-storage in Oklahoma, to ensure that all your stuff is waiting safe and sound for you when you get back.

Santa Claus is coming to town… but he might not be able to hang around for very long. Santa has a lot to do on Christmas Eve. After all, one can’t deliver toys to all of the good little boys and girls all over the world in just one night if he spends too much time dawdling—even with the help of magical, flying reindeer.

According to research conducted by Linda Harden, Santa has to bring toys to anywhere from 378 million to 2 billion children around the world. Even at the low end of that figure, that’s roughly 91.8 million homes to visit. Fortunately for Santa, he’s actually got about 31 hours of Christmas Eve to work with, accounting for different time zones and the rotation of the earth. This is, of course, assuming he wisely opts to travel from east to west. And Santa’s been doing this for a while, so you can bet he’s figured out the best way to get the job done.

Even so, in order to hit all of the houses, Santa would have to make roughly 822 visits every second, which means that his sleigh would have to be moving at around 650 miles per second, or 3000 times the speed of sound. (You’d think this would create sonic booms or other disturbances, but Santa probably gets around that thanks to those aforementioned magic reindeer.)

But that’s not all! Even if every kid only received one present the size of a medium Lego set, Santa’s sleigh would still have to carry over 300,000 tons of toys alone, not counting the weight of the sleigh itself, or that of Santa, who we all know isn’t exactly slim. That’s a lot of strain to put on just eight or nine reindeer—even flying ones! And Santa’s a nice guy who wouldn’t want to overload his reindeer, so we figure he must have some of those toys stockpiled around the globe so that he can make strategic stops to pick up new gifts every few hundred miles or so.

And what better place to store excess presents than in a self-storage facility like Storage ‘R’ Us? After all, self-storage offers variously sized units to fit your needs—whether they’re modest or Santa-sized—and the Oklahoma self-storage units at Storage ‘R’ Us are accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. For Santa, this means he can stop in whenever he passes by on his whirlwind journey and stock back up on presents before he’s off to the next house!

So does Santa Claus really stockpile Christmas gifts at Storage ‘R’ Us? Well, given our six (soon to be eight!) convenient self-storage locations across southern Oklahoma, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t… but we’ll never tell! If you need a place to store your Christmas gifts, festive decorations, or anything else this holiday season, visit Storage ‘R’ Us today!

 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all at Storage ‘R’ Us!

Anyone who lives in Oklahoma knows that as summer turns to fall, spiders, ants, flies, and cockroaches have a nasty habit of finding their way into our homes—no matter how hard we may try to keep them out. Houses are warm and dry, after all, and must be pretty attractive places to bugs and spiders who want to escape the cold and damp. Unfortunately, self-storage in Oklahoma isn’t completely immune to these pesky invaders either, so while we here at Storage ‘R’ Us do everything we can to make sure that the outsides of your unit are proof against creepy crawlies, there are a few tips that you can follow inside your unit to help discourage unwanted pests.

Maybe the most obvious thing to do is not to store food in your storage unit. That includes making sure that any furniture or other items, like your camping gear, are carefully cleaned and vacuumed before they go into storage. Even tiny crumbs of food can attract critters. Another thing that you can do if you’re particularly concerned about insect-sized pests is to put down sticky traps or tape, what we used to call “roach motels.” The key with these, however, is to make sure you change them out frequently. You don’t want a lot of dead bugs in your unit, any more than you want a bunch of live ones.

When we’re talking about self-storage in Oklahoma, one of the most common pests we face—especially in the late summer and fall—are spiders. While other insects may be attracted to food or even to the cardboard or other items that you store in your unit, spiders are likely just trying to get in someplace dry and safe to build their webs. Fortunately, the majority of the spiders that we have here in Oklahoma aren’t venomous, but most people still don’t want to find them in a box of their stuff. And of course, if you do run into either a brown recluse or a black widow—the two most common venomous spiders in Oklahoma—it’s not a pleasant experience.

So what’s the best way to keep spiders out of your self-storage in Oklahoma? Keeping your storage unit neat and tidy is the first step. Spiders love clutter, because it gives them plenty of places to hide and spin their webs. Leave “breathing room” between the walls of your storage unit and the items that you store, and aisles between the items themselves, and keep these areas clean and clear. What you don’t want to do is spray a bunch of harmful chemicals around. After all, this is your stuff that you’re storing, and a storage unit is an enclosed space, so insecticides aren’t the best idea. If you can’t discourage eight-legged invaders with some cleaning and tidying, try putting together a home-made spider repellant by combining essential oils such as citrus, peppermint, citronella, lavender, or clove with some dish washing liquid and water. Spray the mixture around the entrance to your storage unit, and anyplace else you’ve seen spiders, and voila, spider-free self-storage in Oklahoma!